Es or está - that is the question

The difference between the verbs ser and estar is one of the trickiest things in Spanish, as you have to deal with clear and unclear rules. Those that you can logically understand and those that don't have any logical explanation. Honestly, I think that that's precisely the case of expression with ser, estar, adjectives, nouns or adverbs and the conjunction que (which, by the way, are called, the impersonal expressions). There are cases where you have to use ser and others where the use of estar is the correct option, just because.

Tube station Madrid

I like having my notes in order though, which is why I have decided to prepare a list of adjectives + que that require use of ser or estar. Many of them require the use of the subjunctive mode, but this is a horse of a different colour.

A list of Spanish impersonal expressions with the verb ser (adjectives)

Spanish English
Es necesario que It is necessary that
Es preciso que It is imperative that
Es extraño que It is strange that
Es increíble que It is incredible that
Es ridículo que It is ridiculous that
Es terrible que It is terrible that
Es urgente que It is urgent that
Es posible que It is possible that
Es imposible que It is impossible that
Es probable que It is probable that
Es improbable que It is improbable that
Es aconsejable que It is advisable
Es conveniente que It is convenient that
Es importante que It is important that
Es fundamental que It is fundamental that
Es imprescindible que It is indispensable that
Es interesante que It is interesting that
Es vital que It is vital that
Es lógico que It is logical that
Es frecuente que It is common that
Es natural que It is natural that
Es terrible que It is terrible that
Es fabuloso que It is fabulous that
Es fantástico que It is fantastic that
Es admirable que It is admirable that
Es raro que It is odd that
Es difícil que It is difficult that
Es fácil que It is easy that
Es normal que It is normal that
Es maravilloso que It is wonderful that
Es obligatorio que It is mandatory that
Es bueno que It is good that
Es malo que It is bad that
Es peligroso que It is dangerous that
Es extraño que It is strange that
Es dudoso que It is unlikely that
Es preciso que It is mandatory that
Es absurdo que It is absurd that
Es escandaloso que It is outrageous that
Es indignante que It is outrageous that
Es menester que It is necessary that
Es esencial que It is essential that
Es increíble que It is incredible that
Es preferible que It is preferable that

All these expressions require the use of the subjunctive mode form both in affirmative (es fabuloso que) and negative (no es fabuloso que) form.

"¡Es increíble que no lo sepas!"

A list of Spanish impersonal expressions with the verb ser and an adverb

Spanish English
Es mejor que It is better that
Es peor que It is worse that

While using these expressions you always have to remember about the subjunctive mode.

"Es mejor que no lo hagas".

Spanish impersonal expressions with the verb ser and a noun

Spanish English
Es una pena que It is a pity that
Es una lástima que It is regrettable that
Es pura casualidad que It is purely accidental that
Es hora de It is time to
Es de esperar que It is expected that

The same rule here. Depending on a sentence after these expressions, you'll have to use either infinitive or subjunctive mode.

"Es una pena que no puedas venir".

"Ya es hora de acostarse, así que buenas noches".

Spanish impersonal expressions that require indicative or subjunctive mode

Spanish English
Es cierto que It is true that
Es evidente que It is evident that
Es verdad que It is true that
Es seguro que It is certain that
Es exacto que It is correct that
Es obvio que It is obvious that
Es indudable que It is unquestionable that

After these expressions you'll have to use what's called an indicative mode.

"Es obvio que no podemos quedarnos aquí".

Spanish English
No es cierto que It is not true that
No es evidente que It is not evident that
No es verdad que It is not true that
No es seguro que It is not certain that
No es exacto que It is not correct that
No es obvio que It is not obvious that
No es indudable que It is not unquestionable that
Es incierto que It is uncertain that

But after these, the use of the subjunctive mode becomes necessary.

"No es obvio que podamos quedarnos aquí".

Spanish impersonal expressions with the verb estar

Spanish English
Está claro que It is clear that
Está demostrado que It has been proven that
Está mal visto que It is considered bad that
Está previsto que It is planned that
Está muy bien que It is very good that
Está muy mal que It is very bad that

The two first expressions (está claro que, está demostrado) require an indicative mode, whereas the rest of them require the subjunctive.

"Está claro que Juan nos ha mentido".

"Está previsto que las fiestas empiecen a las cuatro".

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