Stem-changing verbs E:I

Today I would like to start with an answer to a simple question: what are stem-changing verbs? Are they irregular verbs? Well, yes and no. Very often they are considered as irregular verbs mainly because we have to modify some of their parts, however, they do follow a pattern, which is why, at the end of the day, I would place them somewhere in between regular and irregular Spanish verbs.

Radical-changing verbs follow the rule of the shoe, which means that

1) Infinitive, nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras form will follow the same scheme.

2) The third person of singular and the third person of plural will follow another scheme.

And what’s the rule of the shoe looks like in practice:

Repetir verb

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Ok, so that we know how to conjugate these stem-changing verbs where the letter E changes into I, it’s time to find out how to differentiate them from others. The answer is: by heart, because there is no specific rule which determines which verb is a stem-changing verb and which is not.

I am sorry if you feel disappointed, there is a gleam of hope though. The list of Spanish stem-chaging verbs E:I for beginners is quite short. So, at least, in the meantime, while your Spanish gets better and better, you will have enough time to get used to the rest of the radical-changing verbs.

And since we’re talking about lists, below I have selected for you the most popular Spanish radical-changing verbs E:I translated into English with exercises, so that you can put in practice what you have just learned.

Competir – to compete

Despedir – to dismiss, to fire someone

Despedirse – to say goodbye

Freír – to fry

Impedir – to stop, to impede

Perseguir – to chase, to pursue

Reírse – to laugh

Repetir – to repeat

Servir - 1. to be useful for something 2. to serve (food in a restaurant)

Seguir – to follow (and mixed with gerund – to be still doing something)

Sonreír – to smile

Stem-changing verbs E:I - exercises

Complete with a verb from the list above

  1. Primero te……………….. de la abuela y luego vamos al aeropuerto.

  2. De postre siempre …………….. trozos de plátano mojados en chocolate. (yo)

  3. Mi mujer ………….. con todo el mundo. Es muy ambiciosa.

  4. Mi hermana es muy guapa sobre todo cuando .......................

  5. Si ………………. remando, llegaremos al puerto (nosotros)

  6. ¿De qué te ………….. ?

  7. El gato ………………. su víctima.

  8. En este restaurante …………….. carne de canguro.

  9. Mi profesor pronuncia las palabras difíciles y yo las.......................

  10. Mis obligaciones profesionales me ……………… dedicarme a mi verdadera pasión.

Stem-changing verbs E:I – exercises – answers key

  1. Primero te despides de la abuela y luego vamos al aeropuerto.

  2. De postre siempre sirvo trozos de plátano mojados en chocolate. (yo)

  3. Mi mujer compite con todo el mundo. Es muy ambiciosa.

  4. Mi hermana es muy guapa, sobre todo cuando sonríe.

  5. Si seguimos remando, llegaremos al puerto. (nosotros)

  6. ¿De qué te ríes ?

  7. El gato persigue su víctima.

  8. En este restaurante sirven carne de canguro.

  9. Mi profesor pronuncia las palabras difíciles y yo las repito.

  10. Mis obligaciones profesionales me impiden dedicarme a mi verdadera pasión.

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If you’re looking for the rest of stem-changing verbs (the O:UE and E:IE group), just go to the following articles

Radical-changing Spanish verbs O:UE

Radical-changing Spanish verbs E:IE

Spanish irregular verbs in the first person

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