What are compound words in Spanish

How to create compound words in Spanish

Compound nouns in Spanish are special kinds of words. As their name indicates they are composed of two parts. The first one is the third person of a verb we are using; the second one a noun, in the majority of cases, in a plural form. How does it work in practice? Let’s analyse the word "el cortaúñas", which means nail clipper. "Corta" is a third person of the singular of the verb cortar (to cut), and ”uñas" simply means nails. The general rule is as simple as that, however you should be careful while using the plural. Why? Because compound words in plural save the same structure as in singular. This is why we will say "un cortaúñas" and "unos cortaúñas/dos cortaúñas". Never "cortauñases".

Compound words in Spanish refer to different categories of vocabulary. Amongst them you will find some professions, some names of the everyday products, even some pejorative descriptions. In the tables below I have gathered the most common Spanish compound words, however bear in mind that the list is not exhaustive.

List of the Spanish compound nouns

Let’s start with professions and their representatives. Some of the compound words which describe them are neutral, but there are also some pejorative ones:

Word Meaning
El chupatintas Pen pusher, pencil pusher (US)
El matasanos Quack doctor
El picapleitos Bad, inefficient lawyer
El pintamonas 1.Dauber 2. A nobody
El limpiachimeneas Chimney cleaner
El limpiabotas Shoe shiner
El guardaespaldas Bodyguard
El limpiacristales 1.Window cleaner 2. Window-cleaning product
El guardabosques Forest wander, forest ranger
El aparcacoches Parking lot attendant
El cazatalentos Headhunter, talent-spotter
El rompecorazones Heartbreaker
El comefuegos Fire-eater

There is a group of compound words that are related to the character traits or a behavior. In their vast majority they have a pejorative sense:

Word Meaning
El cantamañanas 1. Unreliable, untrustworthy person 2. Bluffer
El vendehúmos Bluffer, mountebank
El sabelotodo Know-it-all
El asaltacunas Cradle-snatcher
El asaltabancos Bank robber
El/La comecocos Person who brainwashes other people in order to obtain what he/she wants
El lameculos Arse-licker, ass-licker
El bocachancla Blabbermouth
El abrazafarolas 1. Arse-licker/ass-licker 2. drinker
El cierrabares Person who spends the majority of his/her life drunk in bars and pubs
El pagafantas Person, usually a boy, who is buying drinks (or whatever a girl wants) hoping that she will fall in love with him. Normally she doesn’t
El sujetavelas Third wheel
El meapilas Holier-than-thou, goody-goody two shoes
El pelagatos a nobody
El zampabollos Glutton
El cagaprisas Person who wants to do something as soon as possible, even when it’s not necessary and he/she “contaminates” others with his/her nervousness
El soplagaitas An idiot, twit
El tocapelotas A pain in the ass/pain in the neck, who moreover, enjoys bothering other people
El comeflores Colloquially speaking a person who wants to be accepted by everyone and avoid conflicts at all cost

Spanish people use compound words to talk about everyday items:

Word Meaning
El sacapuntas Pencil sharpener
El portaminas Propelling pencil / mechanical pencil
El sujetapapeles Paper clip
El pisapapeles Paperweight
El portafolios Briefcase
El sacacorchos Corkscrew
El escurreplatos Plate rack
El cuentagotas Pipette dropper
El pasapurés Manual food mill
El cortaúñas Nail clipper
El abrelatas Tin opener / Can opener
El cascanueces Nut cracker
El pintalabios Lipstick
El quitamanchas Stain-remover
El posavasos Coaster
El tirachinas Catapult / slingshot
El reposabrazos Armrest
El elevalunas Electric window
El quitamiedos Traffic barrier
El cortaplumas Penknife
El lanzamisiles Missile launcher
El matamoscas Fly swatter
El atrapamoscas Flypaper
El cubrebocas Surgeon mask
El rompeolas Breakwater
El mondadientes / el escarbadientes Toothpick
El atrapapesadillas Dreamcatcher
El matasuegras Party blower

Some of the compound Spanish words to do with the I.T world:

Word Meaning
El portapapeles Clipboard
El cortafuegos Firewall

There is also a short list of compound Spanish words related to architecture, cars and weather:

Word Meaning
El rascacielos Skyscraper
El paracaídas Parachute
El portaequipajes Roof rack
El parabrisas Windscreen / windshield
El limpiaparabrisas Windscreen wiper / windshield wiper
El paraguas Umbrella

There is also an insect:

Word Meaning
El saltamontes Grasshopper

And finally words which don’t belong to any specific category:

Word Meaning
El cumpleaños Birthday
El trabalenguas Tongue-twister
El rompecabezas Jigsaw puzzle
El engañabobos 1. Hoax 2. Deceiver

It’s important to know that Spanish compound words sometimes can act as adjectives and accompany some nouns, changing their meaning:

Word Meaning
La lluvia mojabobos Drizzle, light rain which doesn’t stop all day
La cuerda salvavidas Lifeline
El bote salvavidas Lifeboat
El chaleco salvavidas Life vest / Life jacket

Spanish compound words – exceptions and special cases

Amongst “los sustantivos compuestos" there are also some “black sheeps”, so to say, words which are created in a similar way to the compound words, they are not exactly the same though.

Some good examples are: "el girasol" (sunflower), "el parasol" (sunshade), el cubrecolchón (mattress pad) or "el guardameta" (goal keeper). In theory these words are composed by the third person of singular and a noun. The noun however is in singular, not in plural. What is more, the plural form is accepted, this is why we can say el girasol (sunflower), but also los girasoles (sunflowers).

On the other hand, in the Spanish language you will also find words like "el pararrayos" (lightning conductor, lightning rod), el taparrabos (loincloth), where you’ll see an infinitive (parar – to stop) and a noun in plural form (rayos - lightnings).

In the English language there are some compound words as well. Good example will be pancake, toothbrush or fireworks. They are very different from the Spanish ones where the rules of creating them are quite strict, however it shows that, although very often languages seem to be so distant, in reality in each and every language you can find several interesting similitudes.

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