Spanish expressions with months

In the grammar section I explained to you how to use prepositions while talking about months in Spanish. Thanks to this article you will learn some useful Spanish expressions related to months with exemplary phrases. Ready to discover when Spaniards celebrate the April Fool’s Day or what does it mean “to do its August”? You’re more than welcome!

Enero - January

January, at the same time, can be both hopeful and painful. On the one hand we have a lot of new plans, new projects, what’s commonly called The New Year’s Resolutions. On the other, the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations more than often make us spend more money than we should. The consequence is that in January we are caught by post- Christmas crunch that Spaniards call la cuesta de enero.

Abril - April

In many countries April is a very rainy month, Spain is not an exception, that’s why they have a cute saying En abril aguas mil which expresses the idea of April showers.

The Spanish April Fool’s Day is on 28th December which is a very curious date. In the Roman Catholic Church this day symbolizes the Massacre of the Innocents described in the Holy Bible. According to the biblical account, on that day king Herod the Great ordered to kill all young male children in Bethlehem in order to protect his power. For some unknown reasons in many Spanish speaking countries this same day is an occasion to make inocentadas, similar jokes to the ones you know as a part of the April Fool’s Day. So if you travel to a Spanish speaking country, el Día de los Santos Inocentes, remember to stay vigilant!

Mayo - May

Imagine that before your holiday you win some extra cash in a lottery. The money that you hold in your hands is at the same time something, at some point, unexpected but definitely positive and useful. For these delightful occasions, Spaniards have their own beautiful expression – venir como agua de mayo (literally translated: to come as May water).

Julio - July

Julio is not only the name of this hot month but also a masculine name. By the way, some Spanish names and surnames are perfectly translatable into other languages. Did you know Julio Iglesias literally translated would be July Churches? Fortunately personal details are not subject to translation!

Agosto - August

August can be a synonym of luck and money. Everything thanks to the expression hacer su agosto which means to earn a lot of money thanks to advantageous circumstances. However, at the same time, we should not forget about the verb agostar that means to scorch the plants, to make them wither due to the heat, but also to weaken someone or something.

Exemplary phrases

In Spanish In English
Este año no hemos comprado mucho para Navidades, así que esperemos que la cuesta de enero nos sea más leve de lo habitual This year we didn’t spend much money on Christmas so let's hope the post-Christmas crunch won’t be so hard
¿Qué pasa? ¿Algún día va a acabar esta lluvia? Bueno, estamos en abril y ya sabes lo que dicen: en abril aguas mil What's going on? Will this rain stop one day? It’s April, you know, April for April showers
Este libro me viene como agua de mayo ¡Muchas gracias, Ana! This book comes to me in a perfect time, thank you, Ana!
Durante los Juegos Olímpicos los taxistas hicieron su agosto During the Olympic Games the taxi drivers  earned a lot of money
La gripe ha agostado su cuerpo considerablemente, hasta le cuesta levantarse de la cama Flu weakened his body a lot, he barely can get out of bed
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