Family in Spanish - vocabulary list

Family is a very special and heart-warming subject, which is why knowing how to speak about your beloved ones in Spanish is a must! Shall we begin?

La familia más cercana - The closest family

En español In English
La madre Mother
El padre Father
El hijo Son
La hija Daughter
El hermano Brother
La hermana Sister
El hermanastro Half-brother, stepbrother
La hermanastra Half-sister, stepsister
El abuelo Grandfather
La abuela Grandmother
El nieto Grandson
La nieta Granddaughter
El bisabuelo Great - grandfather
La bisabuela Great - grandmother
El tatarabuelo Great - great - grandfather
La tatarabuela Great - great - grandmother

La familia más lejana - Distant family

En español In English
El tío Uncle
La tía Aunt
El padrastro Stepfather
La madrastra Stepmother
El padrino Godfather
La madrina Godmother
El primo Cousin (male)
La prima Cousin (female)
El cuñado Brother-in-law
La cuñada Sister-in-law
El sobrino Nephew
La sobrina Niece
El suegro Father-in-law
La suegra Sister-in-law
El yerno Son-in-law
La nuera Daughter-in-law

La familia en plural - Family in plural

En español In English
Los padres Parents or Fathers
Las madres Mothers
Los abuelos Grandparents or Grandfathers
Las abuelas Grandmothers
Los tíos Uncles
Las tías Aunts
Los suegros Parents - in - law or Fathers-in-law
Las suegras Mothers-in-law
Los consuegros Your son-in-law/daughter-in-law's parents or fathers
Las consuegras Your son-in-law/daughter-in-law's mothers
Los primos Cousins (male)
Las primas Cousins (female)
Los hermanos Siblings / Brothers
Las hermanas Siblings / Sisters
Los gemelos Twins (male)
Las gemelas Twins (female)
Los hijos Sons or children
Las hijas Daughters

Expresiones varias - Miscellaneous expressions

En español In English
Tener hermanos To have siblings
Ser hijo único Te be an only child (male)
Ser hija única To be an only child (female)
Ser adoptado To be adopted

You will love it

That was an official list, however in the section About Spanish I have prepared for you an article Family members in Spanish - did you know these funny facts? in which I describe family-related Spanish words that you won't find in the textbooks.

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