Face and its parts in Spanish for beginners

Today I will show you a list of vocabulary related to the human face and its different parts. As always I will share with you both the Spanish (from Spain) words and their English equivalent.

En español In English
La cara face
La frente forehead
La nariz nose
El pelo hair
La boca mouth
La barbilla tip of the chin
El mentón chin
La lengua tongue
Las sienes temples
Las orejas ears
Las mejillas cheeks
Los labios lips
Los dientes teeth
Las cejas eyebrows
Las pestañas eyelashes

Little girl

¡Ojo! Important and interesting facts

Be careful while using the word frente, because it changes its meaning depending on the article used. Indeed, la frente means forehead, but el frente means front. Also when someone has a double chin in Spain you can say that he has una papada and also mofletes (chubby cheeks). Now think about Peter Griffin and smile!

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